Health On the Net Apps

MedAMGe 2.6.0
MedAMGe is a directory of health professionals, members of ourprofessional associations. In the directory one can find thecontact information of health professional through differentfilters (location, activity, language used). This applicationallows to locate on the map the health professional of the Cantonof Geneva closest to your current location by using thegeolocation. MedAMGe was developed in the scope of collaborationbetween the Association of Physicians of the Canton of Geneva(AMG), the Health on the Net Foundation(HON), and the SanteRomandewebsite ( This application aims patients,professionals and large public in general. Functionalities: HealthProfessionals Directory Navigation: User can navigate in thedirectory of health professionals through different filters:location, activity, language, fast RDV. Search tool: Practicalsearch function which enables easy and rapid selection of thehealth professional based on a pert of his/her first/middle/lastname. Geolocation: This application gives a possibility of locatingthe health professional closest to the users current location. Thisfeature requires activation of Location Services on your device.Private access to the AMG physicians: Members of the Association ofPhysicians of the Canton of Geneva will have private access toadditional information. Update: In the next version it will bepossible to have the real-time update of the directory Languages:This application is available in French and English.
Info Vision 2.1.0
This App is dedicated to information about visual disorders